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ᄀᄂHeavy Duty Restaurant Barstool
ᄀᄂᄀᄂSolid wood construction with Mortise and Tenon
ᄀᄂ ᄀᄂJoints are also supported by heavy duty steel ᄀᄚLᄀᄆ brackets, screws and industrial wood glue
ᄀᄂᄀᄂCurved support bar
ᄀᄂᄀᄂPlastic Floor Glides
ᄀᄂᄀᄂPopular style priced to fit your budget
ᄀᄂᄀᄂDesigned for Commercial Use; Suitable for Home Use
ᄀᄂᄀᄂWood Finish: D-09/Wild Cherry only
ᄀᄂᄀᄂUpholstered Cushion (from Grade1 to Grade 4) or Wood Saddle
ᄀᄂ ᄀᄂ ᄀᄚGrade1ᄀᄆis including Black Vinyl, Burgundy Vinyl, and
ᄀᄂ Green Vinyl, without additional charge.
ᄀᄂDimensionsH: 42-1/2"W: 17-3/4"D: 21"Seat H: 29"
ᄀᄂWeight: 22 LBS
ᄀᄂPackaging: 1 per carton