TMT-CDF3 Candy/Deep Fryer Thermometer - 2″, 12″

  • Includes built-in clip
  • Adjustable indicator
  • Dual temperature display (F / C)
  • Wide temperature range 100 to 500F; 40 to 260C
Calibration Instructions:Calibration on this unit should done with a cold bath at 32F(0C) for a more accurate calibration.
  1. Fill cup with ice and top off with cold water and stir for 30 seconds.
  2. Insert probe into cup at least 1" deep for 15 seconds or until the temperature reading stabilizes. Keep the probe from touching the sides or bottom of the glass.NOTE: If the thermometer settles at 32F(0C), there is no calibration needed.
  3. Use pliers and adjust the calibration nut on the bottom of the dial and turn until it reads the proper temperature, 32F(0C).
Dimensions 2″, 12″
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